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Executable File

Adding character animations

Dialogic 1.4 introduced a new animation system (Anima by Alessandro Senese). The files for the animations are stored in the /dialogic/addons/dialogic/Nodes/Anima/animations folder.

There are two different kind of animations: Entrances and exits and attention seekers. You can add your custom animations by creating new .gd files in the animations/entrances_and_exists or animations/attention_seeker folder.

Entrances and exits

These are used when you have a character showing up or leaving a scene using the character event. A regular fade in animation looks something like this:

func generate_animation(anima_tween: Tween, data: Dictionary) -> void:
	var opacity_frames = [
		{ from = 0, to = 1, easing_points = [0.42, 0, 0.58, 1]},
	anima_tween.add_frames(data, "opacity", opacity_frames)

Attention seekers

These are used when you when using the Character event and the Update setting. They can be used to make a character shake, bounce or any other one to emphasize the character.

They look something like this:

func generate_animation(anima_tween: Tween, data: Dictionary) -> void:
	var frames = [
		{ percentage = 0, from = 1 },
		{ percentage = 25, to = 0 },
		{ percentage = 50, to = 1 },
		{ percentage = 75, to = 0 },
		{ percentage = 100, to = 1 },

	anima_tween.add_frames(data, "opacity", frames)