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# iconlist.tcl
# Implements the icon-list megawidget used in the "Tk" standard file
# selection dialog boxes.
# Copyright (c) 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Donal K. Fellows
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution of
# this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# API Summary:
# tk::IconList <path> ?<option> <value>? ...
# <path> add <imageName> <itemList>
# <path> cget <option>
# <path> configure ?<option>? ?<value>? ...
# <path> deleteall
# <path> destroy
# <path> get <itemIndex>
# <path> index <index>
# <path> invoke
# <path> see <index>
# <path> selection anchor ?<int>?
# <path> selection clear <first> ?<last>?
# <path> selection get
# <path> selection includes <item>
# <path> selection set <first> ?<last>?
package require Tk 8.6
::tk::Megawidget create ::tk::IconList ::tk::FocusableWidget {
variable w canvas sbar accel accelCB fill font index \
itemList itemsPerColumn list maxIH maxIW maxTH maxTW noScroll \
numItems oldX oldY options rect selected selection textList
constructor args {
next {*}$args
set accelCB {}
destructor {
my Reset
method GetSpecs {} {
concat [next] {
{-command "" "" ""}
{-font "" "" "TkIconFont"}
{-multiple "" "" "0"}
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
method index i {
if {![info exist list]} {
set list {}
switch -regexp -- $i {
"^-?[0-9]+$" {
if {$i < 0} {
set i 0
if {$i >= [llength $list]} {
set i [expr {[llength $list] - 1}]
return $i
"^anchor$" {
return $index(anchor)
"^end$" {
return [llength $list]
"@-?[0-9]+,-?[0-9]+" {
scan $i "@%d,%d" x y
set item [$canvas find closest \
[$canvas canvasx $x] [$canvas canvasy $y]]
return [lindex [$canvas itemcget $item -tags] 1]
method selection {op args} {
switch -exact -- $op {
anchor {
if {[llength $args] == 1} {
set index(anchor) [$w index [lindex $args 0]]
} else {
return $index(anchor)
clear {
switch [llength $args] {
2 {
lassign $args first last
1 {
set first [set last [lindex $args 0]]
default {
return -code error -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \
"wrong # args: should be\
\"[lrange [info level 0] 0 1] first ?last?\""
set first [$w index $first]
set last [$w index $last]
if {$first > $last} {
set tmp $first
set first $last
set last $tmp
set ind 0
foreach item $selection {
if {$item >= $first} {
set first $ind
incr ind
set ind [expr {[llength $selection] - 1}]
for {} {$ind >= 0} {incr ind -1} {
set item [lindex $selection $ind]
if {$item <= $last} {
set last $ind
if {$first > $last} {
set selection [lreplace $selection $first $last]
event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>>
my DrawSelection
get {
return $selection
includes {
return [expr {[lindex $args 0] in $selection}]
set {
switch [llength $args] {
2 {
lassign $args first last
1 {
set first [set last [lindex $args 0]]
default {
return -code error -errorcode {TCL WRONGARGS} \
"wrong # args: should be\
\"[lrange [info level 0] 0 1] first ?last?\""
set first [$w index $first]
set last [$w index $last]
if {$first > $last} {
set tmp $first
set first $last
set last $tmp
for {set i $first} {$i <= $last} {incr i} {
lappend selection $i
set selection [lsort -integer -unique $selection]
event generate $w <<ListboxSelect>>
my DrawSelection
method get item {
set rTag [lindex $list $item 2]
lassign $itemList($rTag) iTag tTag text serial
return $text
# Deletes all the items inside the canvas subwidget and reset the
# iconList's state.
method deleteall {} {
$canvas delete all
unset -nocomplain selected rect list itemList
set maxIW 1
set maxIH 1
set maxTW 1
set maxTH 1
set numItems 0
set noScroll 1
set selection {}
set index(anchor) ""
$sbar set 0.0 1.0
$canvas xview moveto 0
# Adds an icon into the IconList with the designated image and text
method add {image items} {
foreach text $items {
set iID item$numItems
set iTag [$canvas create image 0 0 -image $image -anchor nw \
-tags [list icon $numItems $iID]]
set tTag [$canvas create text 0 0 -text $text -anchor nw \
-font $options(-font) -fill $fill \
-tags [list text $numItems $iID]]
set rTag [$canvas create rect 0 0 0 0 -fill "" -outline "" \
-tags [list rect $numItems $iID]]
lassign [$canvas bbox $iTag] x1 y1 x2 y2
set iW [expr {$x2 - $x1}]
set iH [expr {$y2 - $y1}]
if {$maxIW < $iW} {
set maxIW $iW
if {$maxIH < $iH} {
set maxIH $iH
lassign [$canvas bbox $tTag] x1 y1 x2 y2
set tW [expr {$x2 - $x1}]
set tH [expr {$y2 - $y1}]
if {$maxTW < $tW} {
set maxTW $tW
if {$maxTH < $tH} {
set maxTH $tH
lappend list [list $iTag $tTag $rTag $iW $iH $tW $tH $numItems]
set itemList($rTag) [list $iTag $tTag $text $numItems]
set textList($numItems) [string tolower $text]
incr numItems
my WhenIdle Arrange
# Gets called when the user invokes the IconList (usually by
# double-clicking or pressing the Return key).
method invoke {} {
if {$options(-command) ne "" && [llength $selection]} {
uplevel #0 $options(-command)
# If the item is not (completely) visible, scroll the canvas so that it
# becomes visible.
method see rTag {
if {$noScroll} {
set sRegion [$canvas cget -scrollregion]
if {$sRegion eq ""} {
if {$rTag < 0 || $rTag >= [llength $list]} {
set bbox [$canvas bbox item$rTag]
set pad [expr {[$canvas cget -highlightthickness]+[$canvas cget -bd]}]
set x1 [lindex $bbox 0]
set x2 [lindex $bbox 2]
incr x1 [expr {$pad * -2}]
incr x2 [expr {$pad * -1}]
set cW [expr {[winfo width $canvas] - $pad*2}]
set scrollW [expr {[lindex $sRegion 2]-[lindex $sRegion 0]+1}]
set dispX [expr {int([lindex [$canvas xview] 0]*$scrollW)}]
set oldDispX $dispX
# check if out of the right edge
if {($x2 - $dispX) >= $cW} {
set dispX [expr {$x2 - $cW}]
# check if out of the left edge
if {($x1 - $dispX) < 0} {
set dispX $x1
if {$oldDispX ne $dispX} {
set fraction [expr {double($dispX) / double($scrollW)}]
$canvas xview moveto $fraction
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Places the icons in a column-major arrangement.
method Arrange {} {
if {![info exists list]} {
if {[info exists canvas] && [winfo exists $canvas]} {
set noScroll 1
$sbar configure -command ""
set W [winfo width $canvas]
set H [winfo height $canvas]
set pad [expr {[$canvas cget -highlightthickness]+[$canvas cget -bd]}]
if {$pad < 2} {
set pad 2
incr W [expr {$pad*-2}]
incr H [expr {$pad*-2}]
set dx [expr {$maxIW + $maxTW + 8}]
if {$maxTH > $maxIH} {
set dy $maxTH
} else {
set dy $maxIH
incr dy 2
set shift [expr {$maxIW + 4}]
set x [expr {$pad * 2}]
set y [expr {$pad * 1}] ; # Why * 1 ?
set usedColumn 0
foreach sublist $list {
set usedColumn 1
lassign $sublist iTag tTag rTag iW iH tW tH
set i_dy [expr {($dy - $iH)/2}]
set t_dy [expr {($dy - $tH)/2}]
$canvas coords $iTag $x [expr {$y + $i_dy}]
$canvas coords $tTag [expr {$x + $shift}] [expr {$y + $t_dy}]
$canvas coords $rTag $x $y [expr {$x+$dx}] [expr {$y+$dy}]
incr y $dy
if {($y + $dy) > $H} {
set y [expr {$pad * 1}] ; # *1 ?
incr x $dx
set usedColumn 0
if {$usedColumn} {
set sW [expr {$x + $dx}]
} else {
set sW $x
if {$sW < $W} {
$canvas configure -scrollregion [list $pad $pad $sW $H]
$sbar configure -command ""
$canvas xview moveto 0
set noScroll 1
} else {
$canvas configure -scrollregion [list $pad $pad $sW $H]
$sbar configure -command [list $canvas xview]
set noScroll 0
set itemsPerColumn [expr {($H-$pad) / $dy}]
if {$itemsPerColumn < 1} {
set itemsPerColumn 1
my DrawSelection
method DrawSelection {} {
$canvas delete selection
$canvas itemconfigure selectionText -fill black
$canvas dtag selectionText
set cbg [ttk::style lookup TEntry -selectbackground focus]
set cfg [ttk::style lookup TEntry -selectforeground focus]
foreach item $selection {
set rTag [lindex $list $item 2]
foreach {iTag tTag text serial} $itemList($rTag) {
set bbox [$canvas bbox $tTag]
$canvas create rect $bbox -fill $cbg -outline $cbg \
-tags selection
$canvas itemconfigure $tTag -fill $cfg -tags selectionText
$canvas lower selection
# Creates an IconList widget by assembling a canvas widget and a
# scrollbar widget. Sets all the bindings necessary for the IconList's
# operations.
method Create {} {
variable hull
set sbar [ttk::scrollbar $hull.sbar -orient horizontal -takefocus 0]
catch {$sbar configure -highlightthickness 0}
set canvas [canvas $hull.canvas -highlightthick 0 -takefocus 1 \
-width 400 -height 120 -background white]
pack $sbar -side bottom -fill x -padx 2 -pady {0 2}
pack $canvas -expand yes -fill both -padx 2 -pady {2 0}
$sbar configure -command [list $canvas xview]
$canvas configure -xscrollcommand [list $sbar set]
# Initializes the max icon/text width and height and other variables
set maxIW 1
set maxIH 1
set maxTW 1
set maxTH 1
set numItems 0
set noScroll 1
set selection {}
set index(anchor) ""
set fg [option get $canvas foreground Foreground]
if {$fg eq ""} {
set fill black
} else {
set fill $fg
# Creates the event bindings.
bind $canvas <Configure> [namespace code {my WhenIdle Arrange}]
bind $canvas <1> [namespace code {my Btn1 %x %y}]
bind $canvas <B1-Motion> [namespace code {my Motion1 %x %y}]
bind $canvas <B1-Leave> [namespace code {my Leave1 %x %y}]
bind $canvas <Control-1> [namespace code {my CtrlBtn1 %x %y}]
bind $canvas <Shift-1> [namespace code {my ShiftBtn1 %x %y}]
bind $canvas <B1-Enter> [list tk::CancelRepeat]
bind $canvas <ButtonRelease-1> [list tk::CancelRepeat]
bind $canvas <Double-ButtonRelease-1> \
[namespace code {my Double1 %x %y}]
bind $canvas <Control-B1-Motion> {;}
bind $canvas <Shift-B1-Motion> [namespace code {my ShiftMotion1 %x %y}]
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "aqua"} {
bind $canvas <Shift-MouseWheel> [namespace code {my MouseWheel [expr {40 * (%D)}]}]
bind $canvas <Option-Shift-MouseWheel> [namespace code {my MouseWheel [expr {400 * (%D)}]}]
} else {
bind $canvas <Shift-MouseWheel> [namespace code {my MouseWheel %D}]
if {[tk windowingsystem] eq "x11"} {
bind $canvas <Shift-4> [namespace code {my MouseWheel 120}]
bind $canvas <Shift-5> [namespace code {my MouseWheel -120}]
bind $canvas <<PrevLine>> [namespace code {my UpDown -1}]
bind $canvas <<NextLine>> [namespace code {my UpDown 1}]
bind $canvas <<PrevChar>> [namespace code {my LeftRight -1}]
bind $canvas <<NextChar>> [namespace code {my LeftRight 1}]
bind $canvas <Return> [namespace code {my ReturnKey}]
bind $canvas <KeyPress> [namespace code {my KeyPress %A}]
bind $canvas <Control-KeyPress> ";"
bind $canvas <Alt-KeyPress> ";"
bind $canvas <FocusIn> [namespace code {my FocusIn}]
bind $canvas <FocusOut> [namespace code {my FocusOut}]
return $w
# This procedure is invoked when the mouse leaves an entry window with
# button 1 down. It scrolls the window up, down, left, or right,
# depending on where the mouse left the window, and reschedules itself
# as an "after" command so that the window continues to scroll until the
# mouse moves back into the window or the mouse button is released.
method AutoScan {} {
if {![winfo exists $w]} return
set x $oldX
set y $oldY
if {$noScroll} {
if {$x >= [winfo width $canvas]} {
$canvas xview scroll 1 units
} elseif {$x < 0} {
$canvas xview scroll -1 units
} elseif {$y >= [winfo height $canvas]} {
# do nothing
} elseif {$y < 0} {
# do nothing
} else {
my Motion1 $x $y
set ::tk::Priv(afterId) [after 50 [namespace code {my AutoScan}]]
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------
# Event handlers
method MouseWheel {amount} {
if {$noScroll || $::tk_strictMotif} {
if {$amount > 0} {
$canvas xview scroll [expr {(-119-$amount) / 120}] units
} else {
$canvas xview scroll [expr {-($amount / 120)}] units
method Btn1 {x y} {
focus $canvas
set i [$w index @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set $i
$w selection anchor $i
method CtrlBtn1 {x y} {
if {$options(-multiple)} {
focus $canvas
set i [$w index @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
if {[$w selection includes $i]} {
$w selection clear $i
} else {
$w selection set $i
$w selection anchor $i
method ShiftBtn1 {x y} {
if {$options(-multiple)} {
focus $canvas
set i [$w index @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
if {[$w index anchor] eq ""} {
$w selection anchor $i
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set anchor $i
# Gets called on button-1 motions
method Motion1 {x y} {
set oldX $x
set oldY $y
set i [$w index @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set $i
method ShiftMotion1 {x y} {
set oldX $x
set oldY $y
set i [$w index @$x,$y]
if {$i eq ""} {
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set anchor $i
method Double1 {x y} {
if {[llength $selection]} {
$w invoke
method ReturnKey {} {
$w invoke
method Leave1 {x y} {
set oldX $x
set oldY $y
my AutoScan
method FocusIn {} {
$w state focus
if {![info exists list]} {
if {[llength $selection]} {
my DrawSelection
method FocusOut {} {
$w state !focus
$w selection clear 0 end
# Moves the active element up or down by one element
# Arguments:
# amount - +1 to move down one item, -1 to move back one item.
method UpDown amount {
if {![info exists list]} {
set curr [$w selection get]
if {[llength $curr] == 0} {
set i 0
} else {
set i [$w index anchor]
if {$i eq ""} {
incr i $amount
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set $i
$w selection anchor $i
$w see $i
# Moves the active element left or right by one column
# Arguments:
# amount - +1 to move right one column, -1 to move left one
# column
method LeftRight amount {
if {![info exists list]} {
set curr [$w selection get]
if {[llength $curr] == 0} {
set i 0
} else {
set i [$w index anchor]
if {$i eq ""} {
incr i [expr {$amount * $itemsPerColumn}]
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set $i
$w selection anchor $i
$w see $i
# Gets called when user enters an arbitrary key in the listbox.
method KeyPress key {
append accel $key
my Goto $accel
after cancel $accelCB
set accelCB [after 500 [namespace code {my Reset}]]
method Goto text {
if {![info exists list]} {
if {$text eq "" || $numItems == 0} {
if {[llength [$w selection get]]} {
set start [$w index anchor]
} else {
set start 0
set theIndex -1
set less 0
set len [string length $text]
set len0 [expr {$len - 1}]
set i $start
# Search forward until we find a filename whose prefix is a
# case-insensitive match with $text
while {1} {
if {[string equal -nocase -length $len0 $textList($i) $text]} {
set theIndex $i
incr i
if {$i == $numItems} {
set i 0
if {$i == $start} {
if {$theIndex > -1} {
$w selection clear 0 end
$w selection set $theIndex
$w selection anchor $theIndex
$w see $theIndex
method Reset {} {
unset -nocomplain accel
# Local Variables:
# mode: tcl
# fill-column: 78
# End: