202 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
202 lines
4.9 KiB
Executable File
# -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: AllSampl.tcl,v 1.4 2001/12/09 05:31:07 idiscovery Exp $
# AllSampl.tcl --
# This file is a directory of all the sample programs in the
# demos/samples subdirectory.
# Copyright (c) 1996, Expert Interface Technologies
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# The following data structures contains information about the requirements
# of the sample programs, as well as the relationship/grouping of the sample
# programs.
# Each element in an info list has four parts: type, name, group/filename, and
# condition. A group or a file is loaded only if the conditions are met.
# types: "d" directory "f" file
# conditions:
# "i": an image type must exist
# "c": a command must exist
# "v": a variable must exist
set root {
{d "File Selectors" file }
{d "Hierachical ListBox" hlist }
{d "Tabular ListBox" tlist {c tixTList}}
{d "Grid Widget" grid {c tixGrid}}
{d "Manager Widgets" manager }
{d "Scrolled Widgets" scroll }
{d "Miscellaneous Widgets" misc }
{d "Image Types" image }
set image {
{d "Compound Image" cmpimg }
{d "XPM Image" xpm {i pixmap}}
set cmpimg {
{f "In Buttons" CmpImg.tcl }
{f "In NoteBook" CmpImg2.tcl }
{f "Notebook Color Tabs" CmpImg4.tcl }
{f "Icons" CmpImg3.tcl }
set xpm {
{f "In Button" Xpm.tcl {i pixmap}}
{f "In Menu" Xpm1.tcl {i pixmap}}
set file {
{f DirList DirList.tcl }
{f DirTree DirTree.tcl }
{f DirSelectDialog DirDlg.tcl }
{f ExFileSelectDialog EFileDlg.tcl }
{f FileSelectDialog FileDlg.tcl }
{f FileEntry FileEnt.tcl }
set hlist {
{f HList HList1.tcl }
{f CheckList ChkList.tcl {c tixCheckList}}
{f "ScrolledHList (1)" SHList.tcl }
{f "ScrolledHList (2)" SHList2.tcl }
{f Tree Tree.tcl }
{f "Tree (Dynamic)" DynTree.tcl {v win}}
set tlist {
{f "ScrolledTList (1)" STList1.tcl {c tixTList}}
{f "ScrolledTList (2)" STList2.tcl {c tixTList}}
global tcl_platform
# This demo hangs windows
if {$tcl_platform(platform) != "windows"} {
lappend tlist {f "TList File Viewer" STList3.tcl {c tixTList}}
set grid {
{f "Simple Grid" SGrid0.tcl {c tixGrid}}
{f "ScrolledGrid" SGrid1.tcl {c tixGrid}}
{f "Editable Grid" EditGrid.tcl {c tixGrid}}
set scroll {
{f ScrolledListBox SListBox.tcl }
{f ScrolledText SText.tcl }
{f ScrolledWindow SWindow.tcl }
{f "Canvas Object View" CObjView.tcl {c tixCObjView}}
set manager {
{f ListNoteBook ListNBK.tcl }
{f NoteBook NoteBook.tcl }
{f PanedWindow PanedWin.tcl }
set misc {
{f Balloon Balloon.tcl }
{f ButtonBox BtnBox.tcl }
{f ComboBox ComboBox.tcl }
{f Control Control.tcl }
{f LabelEntry LabEntry.tcl }
{f LabelFrame LabFrame.tcl }
{f Meter Meter.tcl {c tixMeter}}
{f OptionMenu OptMenu.tcl }
{f PopupMenu PopMenu.tcl }
{f Select Select.tcl }
{f StdButtonBox StdBBox.tcl }
# ForAllSamples --
# Iterates over all the samples that can be run on this platform.
# Arguments:
# name: For outside callers, it must be "root"
# token: An arbtrary string passed in by the caller.
# command: Command prefix to be executed for each node
# in the samples hierarchy. It should return the
# token of the node that it has just created, if any.
proc ForAllSamples {name token command} {
global $name win
if {[tix platform] == "windows"} {
set win 1
foreach line [set $name] {
set type [lindex $line 0]
set text [lindex $line 1]
set dest [lindex $line 2]
set cond [lindex $line 3]
case [lindex $cond 0] {
c {
set cmd [lindex $cond 1]
if {[info command $cmd] != $cmd} {
if ![auto_load $cmd] {
i {
if {[lsearch [image types] [lindex $cond 1]] == -1} {
v {
set doit 1
foreach var [lrange $cond 1 end] {
if [uplevel #0 info exists [list $var]] {
set doit 0
if !$doit {
if {$type == "d"} {
set tok [eval $command [list $token] $type [list $text] \
[list $dest]]
ForAllSamples $dest $tok $command
eval $command [list $tok] done xx xx
} else {
set tok [eval $command [list $token] $type [list $text] \
[list $dest]]
proc DoAll {hlist {path ""}} {
catch {
set theSample [$hlist info data $path]
if {$theSample != {}} {
set title [lindex $theSample 0]
set prog [lindex $theSample 1]
RunProg $title $prog
foreach p [$hlist info children $path] {
DoAll $hlist $p