84 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
84 lines
2.1 KiB
Executable File
extends Node
class_name DialogicAnimaResources
const BASE_PATH := 'res://addons/dialogic/Nodes/Anima/animations/'
static func get_animation_script(animation_name: String):
# for custom_animation in _custom_animations:
# if custom_animation.name == animation_name:
# return custom_animation.script
var resource_file = get_animation_script_with_path(animation_name)
if resource_file:
return load(resource_file).new()
printerr('No animation found with name: ', animation_name)
return null
static func get_animation_script_with_path(animation_name: String) -> String:
if not animation_name.ends_with('.gd'):
animation_name += '.gd'
animation_name = from_camel_to_snack_case(animation_name)
for file_name in get_available_animations():
if file_name is String and file_name.ends_with(animation_name):
return file_name
return ''
static func get_available_animations() -> Array:
var list = _get_animations_list()
var filtered := []
for file in list:
if file.find('.gd.') < 0:
filtered.push_back(file.replace('.gdc', '.gd'))
return filtered #+ _custom_animations
static func _get_animations_list() -> Array:
var files = _get_scripts_in_dir(BASE_PATH)
var filtered := []
return files
static func _get_scripts_in_dir(path: String, files: Array = []) -> Array:
var dir = Directory.new()
if dir.open(path) != OK:
return files
var file_name = dir.get_next()
while file_name != "":
if file_name != "." and file_name != "..":
if dir.current_is_dir():
_get_scripts_in_dir(path + file_name + '/', files)
files.push_back(path + file_name)
file_name = dir.get_next()
return files
static func from_camel_to_snack_case(string:String) -> String:
var result = PoolStringArray()
var is_first_char = true
for character in string:
if character == character.to_lower() or is_first_char:
result.append('_' + character.to_lower())
is_first_char = false
return result.join('').replace(' ', '_')