extends Tween var loop = 1 signal finished_animation var _animation_data = [] enum PLAY_MODE { NORMAL, BACKWARDS } # Needed to use interpolate_property var _fake_property: Dictionary = {} var _callbacks := {} func _ready(): connect("tween_started", self, '_on_tween_started') connect("tween_step", self, '_on_tween_step_with_easing') connect("tween_step", self, '_on_tween_step_with_easing_callback') connect("tween_step", self, '_on_tween_step_with_easing_funcref') connect("tween_step", self, '_on_tween_step_without_easing') connect("tween_completed", self, '_on_tween_completed') func play(node, animation_name, duration): var script = DialogicAnimaResources.get_animation_script(animation_name.strip_edges()) if not script: printerr('animation not found: %s' % animation_name) return duration var real_duration = script.generate_animation(self, {'node':node, 'duration':duration, 'wait_time':0}) if real_duration is float: duration = real_duration var index := 0 for animation_data in _animation_data: var easing_points if animation_data.has('easing'): if animation_data.easing is FuncRef: easing_points = animation_data.easing else: easing_points = get_easing_points(animation_data.easing) if animation_data.has('easing_points'): easing_points = animation_data.easing_points animation_data._easing_points = easing_points animation_data._animation_callback = funcref(self, '_calculate_from_and_to') if easing_points is Array: animation_data._use_step_callback = '_on_tween_step_with_easing' elif easing_points is String: animation_data._use_step_callback = '_on_tween_step_with_easing_callback' elif easing_points is FuncRef: animation_data._use_step_callback = '_on_tween_step_with_easing_funcref' else: animation_data._use_step_callback = '_on_tween_step_without_easing' index += 1 var started := start() if not started: printerr('something went wrong while trying to start the tween') if is_connected("tween_all_completed", self, 'finished_once'): disconnect("tween_all_completed", self, 'finished_once') connect('tween_all_completed', self, 'finished_once', [node, animation_name, duration]) func finished_once(node, animation, duration): loop -= 1 if loop > 0: play(node, animation, duration) else: emit_signal('finished_animation') # Given an array of frames generates the animation data using relative end value # # frames = [{ # percentage = the percentage of the animation # to = the relative end value # easing_points = the easing points for the bezier curver (optional) # }] # func add_relative_frames(data: Dictionary, property: String, frames: Array) -> float: return _add_frames(data, property, frames, true) # # Given an array of frames generates the animation data using absolute end value # # frames = [{ # percentage = the percentage of the animation # to = the relative end value # easing_points = the easing points for the bezier curver (optional) # }] # func add_frames(data: Dictionary, property: String, frames: Array) -> float: return _add_frames(data, property, frames) func _add_frames(data: Dictionary, property: String, frames: Array, relative: bool = false) -> float: var duration: float = data.duration if data.has('duration') else 0.0 var _wait_time: float = data._wait_time if data.has('_wait_time') else 0.0 var last_duration := 0.0 var keys_to_ignore = ['duration', '_wait_time'] for frame in frames: var percentage = frame.percentage if frame.has('percentage') else 100.0 percentage /= 100.0 var frame_duration = max(0.000001, duration * percentage) var diff = frame_duration - last_duration var is_first_frame = true var is_last_frame = percentage == 1 var animation_data = { property = property, relative = relative, duration = diff, _wait_time = _wait_time } # We need to restore the animation just before the node is animated # but we also need to consider that a node can have multiple # properties animated, so we need to restore it only before the first # animation starts for animation in _animation_data: if animation.node == data.node: is_first_frame = false if animation.has('_is_last_frame'): is_last_frame = false if is_first_frame: animation_data._is_first_frame = true if is_last_frame: animation_data._is_last_frame = true for key in frame: if key != 'percentage': animation_data[key] = frame[key] for key in data: if key == 'callback' and percentage < 1: animation_data.erase(key) elif keys_to_ignore.find(key) < 0: animation_data[key] = data[key] add_animation_data(animation_data) last_duration = frame_duration _wait_time += diff return _wait_time func add_animation_data(animation_data: Dictionary, play_mode: int = PLAY_MODE.NORMAL) -> void: _animation_data.push_back(animation_data) var index = str(_animation_data.size()) var duration = animation_data.duration if animation_data.has('duration') else 1 var property_key = 'p' + index _fake_property[property_key] = 0.0 if animation_data.has('on_completed') and animation_data.has('_is_last_frame'): _callbacks[property_key] = animation_data.on_completed var from := 0.0 if play_mode == PLAY_MODE.NORMAL else 1.0 var to := 1.0 - from interpolate_property( self, '_fake_property:' + property_key, from, to, duration, Tween.TRANS_LINEAR, Tween.EASE_IN_OUT, animation_data._wait_time ) func _on_tween_step_with_easing(object: Object, key: NodePath, _time: float, elapsed: float): var index := _get_animation_data_index(key) if _animation_data[index]._use_step_callback != '_on_tween_step_with_easing': return var easing_points = _animation_data[index]._easing_points var p1 = easing_points[0] var p2 = easing_points[1] var p3 = easing_points[2] var p4 = easing_points[3] var easing_elapsed = _cubic_bezier(Vector2.ZERO, Vector2(p1, p2), Vector2(p3, p4), Vector2(1, 1), elapsed) _animation_data[index]._animation_callback.call_func(index, easing_elapsed) func _on_tween_step_with_easing_callback(object: Object, key: NodePath, _time: float, elapsed: float): var index := _get_animation_data_index(key) if _animation_data[index]._use_step_callback != '_on_tween_step_with_easing_callback': return var easing_points_function = _animation_data[index]._easing_points var easing_callback = funcref(self, easing_points_function) var easing_elapsed = easing_callback.call_func(elapsed) _animation_data[index]._animation_callback.call_func(index, easing_elapsed) func _on_tween_step_with_easing_funcref(object: Object, key: NodePath, _time: float, elapsed: float): var index := _get_animation_data_index(key) if _animation_data[index]._use_step_callback != '_on_tween_step_with_easing_funcref': return var easing_callback = _animation_data[index]._easing_points var easing_elapsed = easing_callback.call_func(elapsed) _animation_data[index]._animation_callback.call_func(index, easing_elapsed) func _on_tween_step_without_easing(object: Object, key: NodePath, _time: float, elapsed: float): var index := _get_animation_data_index(key) if _animation_data[index]._use_step_callback != '_on_tween_step_without_easing': return _animation_data[index]._animation_callback.call_func(index, elapsed) func _get_animation_data_index(key: NodePath) -> int: var s = str(key) return int(s.replace('_fake_property:p', '')) - 1 func _cubic_bezier(p0: Vector2, p1: Vector2, p2: Vector2, p3: Vector2, t: float) -> float: var q0 = p0.linear_interpolate(p1, t) var q1 = p1.linear_interpolate(p2, t) var q2 = p2.linear_interpolate(p3, t) var r0 = q0.linear_interpolate(q1, t) var r1 = q1.linear_interpolate(q2, t) var s = r0.linear_interpolate(r1, t) return s.y func _calculate_from_and_to(index: int, value: float) -> void: var animation_data = _animation_data[index] var node = animation_data.node var do_calculate = true if animation_data.has('_recalculate_from_to') and not animation_data._recalculate_from_to and animation_data.has('_property_data'): do_calculate = false if do_calculate: _do_calculate_from_to(node, animation_data) if animation_data._property_data.has('subkey'): animation_data._animation_callback = funcref(self, '_on_animation_with_subkey') elif animation_data._property_data.has('key'): animation_data._animation_callback = funcref(self, '_on_animation_with_key') else: animation_data._animation_callback = funcref(self, '_on_animation_without_key') _animation_data[index]._animation_callback.call_func(index, value) func _do_calculate_from_to(node: Node, animation_data: Dictionary) -> void: var from var to var relative = animation_data.relative if animation_data.has('relative') else false var node_from = DialogicAnimaPropertiesHelper.get_property_initial_value(node, animation_data.property) if animation_data.has('from'): from = _maybe_convert_from_deg_to_rad(node, animation_data, animation_data.from) from = _maybe_calculate_relative_value(relative, from, node_from) else: from = node_from animation_data.__from = from if animation_data.has('to'): to = _maybe_convert_from_deg_to_rad(node, animation_data, animation_data.to) to = _maybe_calculate_relative_value(relative, to, from) else: to = from animation_data.__to = to if animation_data.has('pivot'): if node is Spatial: printerr('3D Pivot not supported yet') else: DialogicAnimaPropertiesHelper.set_2D_pivot(animation_data.node, animation_data.pivot) animation_data._property_data = DialogicAnimaPropertiesHelper.map_property_to_godot_property(node, animation_data.property) animation_data._property_data.diff = to - from animation_data._property_data.from = from func _maybe_calculate_relative_value(relative, value, current_node_value): if not relative: return value return value + current_node_value func _maybe_convert_from_deg_to_rad(node: Node, animation_data: Dictionary, value): if not node is Spatial or animation_data.property.find('rotation') < 0: return value if value is Vector3: return Vector3(deg2rad(value.x), deg2rad(value.y), deg2rad(value.z)) return deg2rad(value) func _on_animation_with_key(index: int, elapsed: float) -> void: var animation_data = _animation_data[index] var property_data = _animation_data[index]._property_data var node = animation_data.node var value = property_data.from + (property_data.diff * elapsed) node[property_data.property_name][property_data.key] = value func _on_animation_with_subkey(index: int, elapsed: float) -> void: var animation_data = _animation_data[index] var property_data = _animation_data[index]._property_data var node = animation_data.node var value = property_data.from + (property_data.diff * elapsed) node[property_data.property_name][property_data.key][property_data.subkey] = value func _on_animation_without_key(index: int, elapsed: float) -> void: var animation_data = _animation_data[index] var property_data = _animation_data[index]._property_data var node = animation_data.node var value = property_data.from + (property_data.diff * elapsed) if property_data.has('callback'): property_data.callback.call_func(property_data.param, value) return node[property_data.property_name] = value # # We don't want the user to specify the from/to value as color # we animate opacity. # So this function converts the "from = #" -> Color(.., .., .., #) # same for the to value # func _maybe_adjust_modulate_value(animation_data: Dictionary, value): var property = animation_data.property var node = animation_data.node if not property == 'opacity': return value if value is int or value is float: var color = node.modulate color.a = value return color return value func _on_tween_completed(_ignore, property_name: String) -> void: var property_key = property_name.replace(':_fake_property:', '') if _callbacks.has(property_key): var callback = _callbacks[property_key] if not callback is Array or callback.size() == 1: callback[0].call_func() else: callback[0].call_funcv(callback[1]) func _on_tween_started(_ignore, key) -> void: var index := _get_animation_data_index(key) #var hide_strategy = _visibility_strategy var animation_data = _animation_data[index] # if animation_data.has('hide_strategy'): # hide_strategy = animation_data.hide_strategy var node = animation_data.node var should_restore_visibility := false var should_restore_modulate := false # if hide_strategy == Anima.VISIBILITY.HIDDEN_ONLY: # should_restore_visibility = true # elif hide_strategy == Anima.VISIBILITY.HIDDEN_AND_TRANSPARENT: # should_restore_modulate = true # should_restore_visibility = true # elif hide_strategy == Anima.VISIBILITY.TRANSPARENT_ONLY: # should_restore_modulate = true if should_restore_modulate: var old_modulate = node.get_meta('_old_modulate') if old_modulate: node.modulate = old_modulate if should_restore_visibility: node.show() var should_trigger_on_started: bool = animation_data.has('_is_first_frame') and animation_data._is_first_frame and animation_data.has('on_started') if should_trigger_on_started: var fn: FuncRef var args: Array = [] if animation_data.on_started is Array: fn = animation_data.on_started[0] args = animation_data.on_started.slice(1, -1) else: fn = animation_data.on_started fn.call_funcv(args) #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### ## FROM ANIMA EASING #################################################################################################### #################################################################################################### enum EASING { LINEAR, EASE, EASE_IN_OUT, EASE_IN, EASE_OUT, EASE_IN_SINE, EASE_OUT_SINE, EASE_IN_OUT_SINE, EASE_IN_QUAD, EASE_OUT_QUAD, EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD, EASE_IN_CUBIC, EASE_OUT_CUBIC, EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC, EASE_IN_QUART, EASE_OUT_QUART, EASE_IN_OUT_QUART, EASE_IN_QUINT, EASE_OUT_QUINT, EASE_IN_OUT_QUINT, EASE_IN_EXPO, EASE_OUT_EXPO, EASE_IN_OUT_EXPO, EASE_IN_CIRC, EASE_OUT_CIRC, EASE_IN_OUT_CIRC, EASE_IN_BACK, EASE_OUT_BACK, EASE_IN_OUT_BACK, EASE_IN_ELASTIC, EASE_OUT_ELASTIC, EASE_IN_OUT_ELASTIC, EASE_IN_BOUNCE, EASE_OUT_BOUNCE, EASE_IN_OUT_BOUNCE, } const _easing_mapping = { EASING.LINEAR: null, EASING.EASE: [0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT: [0.42, 0, 0.58, 1], EASING.EASE_IN: [0.42, 0, 1, 1], EASING.EASE_OUT: [0, 0, 0.58, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_SINE: [0, 0, 1, .5], EASING.EASE_OUT_SINE: [0.61, 1, 0.88, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_SINE: [0.37, 0, 0.63, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_QUAD: [0.11, 0, 0.5, 0], EASING.EASE_OUT_QUAD: [0.5, 1.0, 0.89, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_QUAD: [0.45, 0, 0.55, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_CUBIC: [0.32, 0, 0.67, 0], EASING.EASE_OUT_CUBIC: [0.33, 1, 0.68, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_CUBIC: [0.65, 0, 0.35, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_QUART: [0.5, 0, 0.75, 0], EASING.EASE_OUT_QUART: [0.25, 1, 0.5, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_QUART: [0.76, 0, 0.24, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_QUINT: [0.64, 0, 0.78, 0], EASING.EASE_OUT_QUINT: [0.22, 1, 0.36, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_QUINT: [0.83, 0, 0.17, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_EXPO: [0.7, 0, 0.84, 0], EASING.EASE_OUT_EXPO: [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_EXPO: [0.87, 0, 0.13, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_CIRC: [0.55, 0, 0.1, 0.45], EASING.EASE_OUT_CIRC: [0, 0.55, 0.45, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_CIRC: [0.85, 0, 0.15, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_BACK: [0.36, 0, 0.66, -0.56], EASING.EASE_OUT_BACK: [0.36, 1.56, 0.64, 1], EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_BACK: [0.68, -0.6, 0.32, 1.6], EASING.EASE_IN_ELASTIC: 'ease_in_elastic', EASING.EASE_OUT_ELASTIC: 'ease_out_elastic', EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_ELASTIC: 'ease_in_out_elastic', EASING.EASE_IN_BOUNCE: 'ease_in_bounce', EASING.EASE_OUT_BOUNCE: 'ease_out_bounce', EASING.EASE_IN_OUT_BOUNCE: 'ease_in_out_bounce' } const _ELASTIC_C4: float = (2.0 * PI) / 3.0 const _ELASTIC_C5: float = (2.0 * PI) / 4.5 static func get_easing_points(easing_name): if _easing_mapping.has(easing_name): return _easing_mapping[easing_name] printerr('Easing not found: ' + str(easing_name)) return _easing_mapping[EASING.LINEAR] static func ease_in_elastic(elapsed: float) -> float: if elapsed == 0: return 0.0 elif elapsed == 1: return 1.0 return -pow(2, 10 * elapsed - 10) * sin((elapsed * 10 - 10.75) * _ELASTIC_C4) static func ease_out_elastic(elapsed: float) -> float: if elapsed == 0: return 0.0 elif elapsed == 1: return 1.0 return pow(2, -10 * elapsed) * sin((elapsed * 10 - 0.75) * _ELASTIC_C4) + 1 static func ease_in_out_elastic(elapsed: float) -> float: if elapsed == 0: return 0.0 elif elapsed == 1: return 1.0 elif elapsed < 0.5: return -(pow(2, 20 * elapsed - 10) * sin((20 * elapsed - 11.125) * _ELASTIC_C5)) / 2 return (pow(2, -20 * elapsed + 10) * sin((20 * elapsed - 11.125) * _ELASTIC_C5)) / 2 + 1 const n1 = 7.5625; const d1 = 2.75; static func ease_in_bounce(elapsed: float) -> float: return 1 - ease_out_bounce(1.0 - elapsed) static func ease_out_bounce(elapsed: float) -> float: if elapsed < 1 / d1: return n1 * elapsed * elapsed; elif elapsed < 2 / d1: elapsed -= 1.5 / d1 return n1 * elapsed * elapsed + 0.75; elif elapsed < 2.5 / d1: elapsed -= 2.25 / d1 return n1 * elapsed * elapsed + 0.9375; elapsed -= 2.625 / d1 return n1 * elapsed * elapsed + 0.984375; static func ease_in_out_bounce(elapsed: float) -> float: if elapsed < 0.5: return (1 - ease_out_bounce(1 - 2 * elapsed)) / 2 return (1 + ease_out_bounce(2 * elapsed - 1)) / 2