tool extends "res://addons/dialogic/Editor/Events/Parts/" # has an event_data variable that stores the current data!!! ## node references onready var input_field = $NameInput onready var new_id = $NewIdButton # used to connect the signals func _ready(): input_field.connect("text_changed", self, "_on_InputField_text_changed") new_id.icon = get_icon("RotateRight", "EditorIcons") new_id.connect("pressed", self, "new_id") # called by the event block func load_data(data:Dictionary): # First set the event_data .load_data(data) # Now update the ui nodes to display the data. if data['id'] == null: new_id() input_field.text = event_data['name'] new_id.hint_tooltip = "Change to a new unique ID. \nOnly do this if you have a duplicate id in this timeline! \nWill break existing links. \n\nCurrent ID: "+data['id'] func new_id(): event_data['id'] = 'anchor-' + str(OS.get_unix_time()) new_id.hint_tooltip = "Change to a new unique ID. \nOnly do this if you have a duplicate id in this timeline! \nWill break existing links. \n\nCurrent ID: "+event_data['id'] data_changed() func _on_InputField_text_changed(text): event_data['name'] = text # informs the parent about the changes! data_changed()