tool extends "res://addons/dialogic/Editor/Events/Parts/" # has an event_data variable that stores the current data!!! ## node references onready var file_picker = $HBox/FilePicker onready var fade_duration_label = $HBox/FadeLabel onready var fade_duration = $HBox/NumberBox # used to connect the signals func _ready(): file_picker.connect("data_changed", self, "_on_FilePicker_data_changed") fade_duration.connect('value_changed', self, '_on_fade_duration_changed') # called by the event block func load_data(data:Dictionary): # First set the event_data .load_data(data) # Now update the ui nodes to display the data. file_picker.load_data(data) if event_data['background']: fade_duration_label.visible = true fade_duration.visible = true emit_signal("request_close_body") else: fade_duration_label.visible = false fade_duration.visible = false emit_signal("request_close_body") fade_duration.value = event_data.get('fade_duration', 1) # has to return the wanted preview, only useful for body parts func get_preview(): return '' func _on_FilePicker_data_changed(data): event_data = data fade_duration.visible = !data['background'].empty() fade_duration_label.visible = !data['background'].empty() if !data['background'].empty(): emit_signal("request_open_body") else: emit_signal("request_close_body") # informs the parent about the changes! data_changed() #func _on_ClearButton_pressed(): # event_data['background'] = '' # # clear_button.disabled = true # name_label.text = 'No image (will clear previous background)' # image_button.hint_tooltip = 'No background selected' # fade_duration.visible = false # fade_duration_label.visible = false # fade_duration.value = 1 # # emit_signal("request_close_body") # # # informs the parent about the changes! # data_changed() func _on_fade_duration_changed(value: float): event_data['fade_duration'] = value # informs the parent about the changes! data_changed()