95 lines
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95 lines
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extends "res://addons/dialogic/Editor/Events/Parts/EventPart.gd"
# has an event_data variable that stores the current data!!!
var default_icon_color = Color("#65989898")
var enable_icon
var disable_icon
## node references
onready var positions_container = $HBox/PositionsContainer
onready var enable_position = $HBox/EnablePosition
# used to connect the signals
func _ready():
for p in positions_container.get_children():
p.connect('pressed', self, "position_button_pressed", [p.name])
enable_position.connect('toggled', self, 'on_EnablePosition_toggled')
enable_icon = get_icon("Edit", "EditorIcons")
disable_icon = get_icon("Reload", "EditorIcons")
# called by the event block
func load_data(data:Dictionary):
# First set the event_data
if data.get('type', 0) == 0:
$HBox/Label.text = 'at position'
elif data.get('type', 0) == 2:
if not data.get('change_position', false):
$HBox/Label.text = '(same position)'
$HBox/Label.text = 'to position'
enable_position.pressed = data.get('change_position', false) or data.get('type', 0) != 2
enable_position.visible = data.get('type', 0) == 2
enable_position.icon = enable_icon if not enable_position.pressed else disable_icon
positions_container.visible = enable_position.pressed
# Now update the ui nodes to display the data.
# has to return the wanted preview, only useful for body parts
func get_preview():
return ''
func get_character_color():
for ch in DialogicUtil.get_character_list():
if ch['file'] == event_data['character']:
return ch['color']
return default_icon_color
func position_button_pressed(name):
var selected_index = name.split('-')[1]
var button = positions_container.get_node('position-' + selected_index)
button.set('self_modulate', get_character_color())
button.pressed = true
event_data['position'][selected_index] = true
func clear_all_positions():
if not event_data.get('position', false):
event_data['position'] = {}
for i in range(5):
event_data['position'][str(i)] = false
for p in positions_container.get_children():
p.set('self_modulate', default_icon_color)
p.pressed = false
func check_active_position(active_color = Color("#ffffff")):
if not event_data.get('position', false): return
var index = 0
for p in positions_container.get_children():
if event_data['position'][str(index)]:
p.pressed = true
p.set('self_modulate', get_character_color())
index += 1
func on_EnablePosition_toggled(toggled):
if event_data['type'] != 2: return
event_data['change_position'] = toggled
positions_container.visible = enable_position.pressed
enable_position.icon = enable_icon if not enable_position.pressed else disable_icon
if !toggled:
$HBox/Label.text = '(same position)'
$HBox/Label.text = 'to position'
# informs the parent about the changes!