282 lines
6.9 KiB
282 lines
6.9 KiB
# -*-mode: tcl; fill-column: 75; tab-width: 8; coding: iso-latin-1-unix -*-
# $Id: EditGrid.tcl,v 1.3 2001/12/09 05:31:07 idiscovery Exp $
# Tix Demostration Program
# This sample program is structured in such a way so that it can be
# executed from the Tix demo program "widget": it must have a
# procedure called "RunSample". It should also have the "if" statment
# at the end of this file so that it can be run as a standalone
# program using tixwish.
# Demonstrates the use of editable entries in a Grid widget.
proc RunSample {w} {
global editgrid
wm title $w "Doe Inc. Performance"
wm geometry $w 640x300
label $w.lab -justify left -text \
"The left column is calculated automatically. To calculate the right column,
press the \"Calculate\" button"
pack $w.lab -side top -anchor c -padx 3 -pady 3
# Create the buttons
set f [frame $w.f -relief flat]
pack $f -side right -fill y
set add [button $f.add -text "Add Row" -width 9 \
-command "EditGrid_addRow"]
set edit [button $f.edit -text "Edit" -width 9 \
-command "EditGrid_edit"]
set cal [button $f.cal -text "Calculate" -width 9 \
-command "EditGrid_calculate"]
set close [button $f.close -text "Close" -width 9 \
-command "destroy $w"]
pack $add -side top -padx 10
pack $edit -side top -padx 10
pack $cal -side top -padx 10 -pady 2
pack $close -side bottom -padx 10
# Create the grid and set options to make it editable.
tixScrolledGrid $w.g -bd 0
pack $w.g -expand yes -fill both -padx 3 -pady 3
set grid [$w.g subwidget grid]
$grid config \
-formatcmd "EditGrid_format $grid" \
-editnotifycmd "EditGrid_editNotify" \
-editdonecmd "EditGrid_editDone" \
-selectunit cell \
-selectmode single
# Insert some initial data
$grid set 0 1 -text "City #1"
$grid set 0 2 -text "City #2"
$grid set 0 3 -text "City #3"
$grid set 0 5 -text "Combined"
$grid set 2 0 -text "Population"
$grid set 4 0 -text "Avg. Income"
$grid set 2 1 -text 125
$grid set 2 2 -text 81
$grid set 2 3 -text 724
$grid set 4 1 -text 24432.12
$grid set 4 2 -text 18290.24
$grid set 4 3 -text 18906.34
# Global data used by other EditGrid_ procedures.
set editgrid(g) $grid
set editgrid(top) 1
set editgrid(bot) 3
set editgrid(result) 5
# EditGrid_edit --
# Prompts the user to edit a cell.
proc EditGrid_edit {} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
set ent [$grid anchor get]
if [string comp $ent ""] {
$grid edit set [lindex $ent 0] [lindex $ent 1]
# EditGrid_addRow --
# Adds a new row to the table.
proc EditGrid_addRow {} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
$grid edit apply
$grid move row $editgrid(result) $editgrid(result) 1
incr editgrid(bot)
set editgrid(result) [expr $editgrid(bot) + 2]
$grid set 0 $editgrid(bot) -text "City #$editgrid(bot)"
$grid set 2 $editgrid(bot) -text 0
$grid set 4 $editgrid(bot) -text 0.0
# EditGrid_calPop --
# Calculates the total population
proc EditGrid_calPop {} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
set pop 0
for {set i $editgrid(top)} {$i <= $editgrid(bot)} {incr i} {
incr pop [$grid entrycget 2 $i -text]
$grid set 2 $editgrid(result) -text $pop
# EditGrid_calIncome --
# Calculates the average income.
proc EditGrid_calIncome {} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
set income 0
set total_pop 0
for {set i $editgrid(top)} {$i <= $editgrid(bot)} {incr i} {
set pop [$grid entrycget 2 $i -text]
set inc [$grid entrycget 4 $i -text]
set income [expr $income + $pop.0 * $inc]
incr total_pop $pop
$grid set 4 $editgrid(result) -text [expr $income/$total_pop]
# EditGrid_calculate --
# Recalculates both columns.
proc EditGrid_calculate {} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
$grid edit apply
# EditGrid_editNotify --
# Returns true if an entry can be edited.
proc EditGrid_editNotify {x y} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
if {$x == 2 || $x == 4} {
if {$y >= $editgrid(top) && $y <= $editgrid(bot)} {
set editgrid(oldValue) [$grid entrycget $x $y -text]
return 1
return 0
# EditGrid_editDone --
# Gets called when the user is done editing an entry.
proc EditGrid_editDone {x y} {
global editgrid
set grid $editgrid(g)
if {$x == 2} {
set pop [$grid entrycget $x $y -text]
if [catch {
format %d $pop
}] {
$grid entryconfig $x $y -text $editgrid(oldValue)
tk_dialog .editGridWarn "" \
"$pop is not an valid integer. Try again" \
warning 0 Ok
} else {
$grid entryconfig 4 $editgrid(result) -text "-"
} else {
set income [$grid entrycget $x $y -text]
if [catch {
format %f $income
}] {
$grid entryconfig $x $y -text $editgrid(oldValue)
tk_dialog .editGridWarn "" \
"$income is not an valid floating number. Try again" \
warning 0 Ok
} else {
$grid entryconfig 4 $editgrid(result) -text "-"
# EditGrid_format --
# This command is called whenever the background of the grid
# needs to be reformatted. The x1, y1, x2, y2 sprcifies the four
# corners of the area that needs to be reformatted.
proc EditGrid_format {w area x1 y1 x2 y2} {
global editgrid
set bg(s-margin) gray65
set bg(x-margin) gray65
set bg(y-margin) gray65
set bg(main) gray20
case $area {
main {
foreach col {2 4} {
$w format border $col 1 $col $editgrid(bot) \
-relief flat -filled 1 -yon 1 -yoff 1\
-bd 0 -bg #b0b0f0 -selectbackground #a0b0ff
$w format border $col 2 $col $editgrid(bot) \
-relief flat -filled 1 -yon 1 -yoff 1\
-bd 0 -bg #80b080 -selectbackground #80b0ff
$w format grid $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \
-relief raised -bd 1 -bordercolor $bg($area) -filled 0 -bg red\
-xon 1 -yon 1 -xoff 0 -yoff 0 -anchor se
y-margin {
$w format border $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \
-fill 1 -relief raised -bd 1 -bg $bg($area) \
-selectbackground gray80
default {
$w format border $x1 $y1 $x2 $y2 \
-filled 1 \
-relief raised -bd 1 -bg $bg($area) \
-selectbackground gray80
# case $area {
# {main y-margin} {
# set y [expr $editgrid(bot) + 1]
# $w format border 0 $y 100 $y -bg black -filled 1 -bd 0
# }
# }
if {![info exists tix_demo_running]} {
wm withdraw .
set w .demo
toplevel $w; wm transient $w ""
RunSample $w
bind $w <Destroy> exit